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 Blossompaw's Life. A story of how she blossomed (yeah,it's cheesy)

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Blossompaw's Life. A story of how she blossomed (yeah,it's cheesy) Empty
PostSubject: Blossompaw's Life. A story of how she blossomed (yeah,it's cheesy)   Blossompaw's Life. A story of how she blossomed (yeah,it's cheesy) EmptySat Sep 29, 2012 11:07 pm

Well i decided to take on the challenge so,here's some of it. Just a warning,one of the cats name's is strange xD


Snow snuggled against her mother's soft pelt as she licked her fur gently. To Snow, her life had been good to her. She had a sister, Marbles, and a loving mother, Flower. She could almost do anything she wanted to. Of course she missed her father, Scourge, but every kit had to go through that pain. At least, Snow thought they did.
Not that it really mattered since, she had everything she really needed, until that tragic day...

**PART 1**

Chapter 1-

Snow opened her eyes and felt the warmth of her family, and of course the normal fidgets of her sister, Marbles, next to her. "She must be dreaming again." Snow muttered to herself.
Snow looked up at her mother and let out a mewl. "Mother! May I got out to play?" Snow asked. "Marbles keep kicking me!" she complained. Her mother, Flower sighed and answered, "Hush, little one, go to sleep, you need more rest. Maybe later you cna play with Marbles when you awake." Flower said soothingly. "Fine." Snow muttered as she curled up against Flower and finally sank into sleep.
A loud bust of thunder woke Snow from her rest. She leaped up quickly and looked all around the den, wondering where her mother had gone. "She can't be missing now!" the kit thought frantically.
"Flower! Flower!" she squealed, looking around in fear. Flower was nowhere in sight.
She heard another crash as lighting found a tree as a target. It's leaves blazed with licking flames. Unfortunately, Snow didn't notice. She was getting desperate with her search, and decided to wake her sister up. "Marbles! Please get up!" Marbles rolled over irritably. "We can sleep a bit longer. It's not time to get up yet." Marbles complained. In the next heartbeat, a flaming branch landed only a few fox-lengths from the two littermates.

Chapter 2-

Marbles stood quickly and squeaked "well,what do we do!?"
The angry flames were getting closer as it licked at the leaves on the ground.If they were to escape,they had to do it now!
Snow replied quickly "We run!" . The two kits scrambled as far as they could away from the fire. after an hour of running the kits collapsed in a heap.
The next thing Snow remembered was opening her eyes and expecting to see her sister,but instead another cat!


Chapter 3-

Snow trembled as the she cat padded up to her and said in a motherly tone.
"I'm Echostar,leader of Rainclan,follow me.What is your name young one?"

"My,my name is Snow." as soon as she squeaked it out,she said the thought she wasn't willing to say to herself until now. "Where are my mother and sister!"

Echostar replied calmly "Your mother is gone Snow,I'm sorry. your sister i think is gone too"

Snow stared at the leader,and asked "what do i do now?"

"I will introduce you to my clan,follow me"

Snow followed Echostar into a camp of some sort with lots of dens,and the to some type of high rock. Echostar leaped onto the rock and leaned down and picked Snow up by the scruff and set her beside herself. "would you like a new name?"
Snow replied "yes,i can't bare to have this name for the rest of my life,knowing my mother gave it to me.I would like to be called Blossom,for the blossoms that will grow in me like after a fire,but in my life instead.."

" As you wish." She replied kindly

" Let all cats old enough to catch there own prey gather for a clan meeting!" Echostar yowled.
when the cats gathered,she called
" I would like to present you with a kit,whom has lost her mother and sister. Would anyone liketo volunteer?"

Silverrose stepped forward and mewed "I'll watch her until she is old enough to be an apprentice."

Echostar dipped her head at the former medicine cat in gratitude. The mewed,

"By the powers of Starclan may they watch over this young kit,who will be known as Blossomkit till she is 6 moons."

All the cats around her yowled "Blossomkit! Blossomkit!"

Blossomkit nodded and jumped off of the rocks and padded over to Silverrose.
"Thank you for voluntering" she purred
Silverrose licked the young kit's head,"I would never leave a kit by herself. I will take you as if you were my own."

**PART 2**

Chapter 4

Blossomkit sighed. She had already been shooed back to the nursery twice that day for pouncing on Meadowrose's tail. Apparently,you don't mess with elders according to Echostar. The only reason why she had pounced on it was because it was so fluffy and tempting! It wasn't her fault that Meadowrose's tail twitched! She slid through the opening of the nursery easily for being 6 moons old. Even though she had been living in Rainclan for a while, she still was quite skinny since she had been a rouge. She looked down at her scrawny legs and thought,'will I ever look like a clancat?' As she padded over to her nest and lied down she looked at her mother's nest. It was empty as it usually was since she still had to do warrior duties. Well soon it would be her turn and she would be an apprentice!
She could learn to be a warrior! She smiled at the thought. It was probably the best one today!.

Chapter 5

Blossomkit bounced out of the nursery excitedly. Today she was going to be an apprentice! She had waited for the day since she had joined Rainclan. Yesterday Echostar had said to her " I'm going to make you an apprentice tomorrow" . So that meant today was the day she would be a paw!
Now she would finally get to go and learn the territory and where the other border lines were! But the best part,was to learn to be a warrior! She had been in the nursery for 2 moons now with her mother,Silverrose.It was okay in there,but probably not as fun as the forest! Sure there had been Mistykit to play with. And they played their favorite game moss ball everyday. But it no longer was any fun in the nursery when Mistykit became an apprentice and Blossomkit was the only kit left behind. In fact it was lonely. At least she had Silverrose. Her new mother had been really kind and sweet. But today.... she was frantic! Blossomkit had asked "Why are you so crazy Silverrose?"
"Because my kit is becoming an apprentice!" she had mewed gently as she licked Blossomkit fiercely to get her ready for her ceremony. At least now finally she would have someone to play with!

Chapter 6-

"Blossomkit,come here." Echostar said gently.
Blossomkit's heart fluttered as she leaped up the rocks and sat next to her leader.
(eh,finish later xD)

Last edited by Blossompaw on Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:53 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Blossompaw's Life. A story of how she blossomed (yeah,it's cheesy) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blossompaw's Life. A story of how she blossomed (yeah,it's cheesy)   Blossompaw's Life. A story of how she blossomed (yeah,it's cheesy) EmptySun Sep 30, 2012 11:39 am

Awesome, Blossomy!! : D I can't wait to read more!!
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PostSubject: Re: Blossompaw's Life. A story of how she blossomed (yeah,it's cheesy)   Blossompaw's Life. A story of how she blossomed (yeah,it's cheesy) EmptySun Sep 30, 2012 11:59 am

great story! cannot wait to read more!
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PostSubject: Re: Blossompaw's Life. A story of how she blossomed (yeah,it's cheesy)   Blossompaw's Life. A story of how she blossomed (yeah,it's cheesy) EmptySun Sep 30, 2012 12:08 pm

Thanks =)
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Blossompaw's Life. A story of how she blossomed (yeah,it's cheesy) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blossompaw's Life. A story of how she blossomed (yeah,it's cheesy)   Blossompaw's Life. A story of how she blossomed (yeah,it's cheesy) EmptySun Sep 30, 2012 12:47 pm

Blossompaw wrote:
Well i decided to take on the challenge so,here's some of it. Just a warning,one of the cats name's is strange xD


**PART 1**

Chapter 1-

Chapter 2-

Chapter 3-

**PART 2**
Blossoms said I could edit, I finished chapter 1 :3
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Blossompaw's Life. A story of how she blossomed (yeah,it's cheesy) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blossompaw's Life. A story of how she blossomed (yeah,it's cheesy)   Blossompaw's Life. A story of how she blossomed (yeah,it's cheesy) EmptySun Sep 30, 2012 1:05 pm

I did,thanks! I just put it into my post ^x^
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