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 │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│

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│The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│ Empty
PostSubject: │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│   │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│ EmptySat Sep 29, 2012 11:09 pm

Hello! Welcome to my story. It's about my fursona, Goldstar, and her life. Enjoy! All of my characters are members from the club, although most of the older ones aren't active anymore. :3


The sun had long since set on the territories of the two clans. The moon floated high in the sky, hardly more than a curved claw-scratch of light. The night sparkled with glowing stars, visible even through the thick canopy of the trees. The air was crisp and clear, not a cloud hung in the atmosphere. No sound could be heard in the forest. Even the leaves ceased their rustling- there was no breeze to shake their branches. It was nearly a perfect newleaf night.

In CloudClan and LightningClan, the stillness had seemed to reach their very camps. Not a cat stirred- each one was fast asleep. Why shouldn't they be? No guard was needed. No dangerous creatures dared to roam the woodland in their territory, and the two clans were at peace. However, not all cats were silent. Two she-cats were very alert, their eyes bright and as clear as the newleaf air. One cat sat under a tall tree in the heart of CloudClan territory, just beginning to bud, and the other raced through the undergrowth, her breath calm and steady.

"Rosestar." The cat sitting under the tree beckoned the other with her tail. The pink-and-cream she-cat slowed her pace until she was under the long branches. "Rainstar." Rosestar greeted with a polite dip of her head, sitting down a tail-length from the thick trunk. "All is well in CloudClan, I presume?" Rainstar gave a slight nod in reply. "Yes- that is not why I asked you to meet me here. Is all well in LightningClan?" The LightningClan leader nodded, although her pink tail-tip was flicking irritably. "Yes, but why have you called me here?"

Rainstar licked the soft fur on her chest. "A StarClan warrior came to me in a dream." she explained. Although she and Rosestar were allies and friends, she was obviously uncomfortable about sharing such personal things. Rosestar's eyes grew slightly wider in curiosity. "She said..." Rainstar's mew trailed away, and she began again, stronger. "She said to watch the skies. That there would be an omen for me at Moonhigh."

Rosestar glanced at the moon, almost directly overhead. "Did you want me to come to help you look for the omen?" she asked. Rainstar looked at her paws. "Not exactly. I feel that it's something that will effect both CloudClan and LightningClan. Something important." Rainstar glanced around again, as if she expected a StarClan warrior to leap out of the undergrowth. Rosestar looked skeptical as the moon floated still higher. "Maybe there isn't an omen at all." she suggested.

At that moment, movement in the sky caught both cats' attention. They both leaped to leaped to their feet. "A shooting star!" Rainstar breathed. She was correct. A golden star was blazing across the night, leaving a shimmering trail in it's wake. Rosestar was already haring away into the trees in the direction the star had vanished. "Come on!" she called to the other leader. "It must be pointing us somewhere."

Soon, they came to a clearing in the trees. "This is where the trail ends." Rainstar said, disappointment evident in her voice. "There's nothing here." At that moment, a mewling cry broke the silence. Rosestar rushed forward, stopping dead as she saw a tiny golden kit lying on a stone bathed in faint moonlight. The kitten let out another mewl, and both leaders darted forward.

"We have to get this kit back to the camp!" Rosestar mewed, surprise echoing through her voice. She picked up the kit by it's scruff and started to bound in the direction of the LightningClan camp. "Wait!" Rainstar called. Rosestar turned. "The CloudClan camp is closer." she explained. Together, the two she-cats raced further into CloudClan territory.

Both leaders' thoughts were reeling. Where had the kit come from? Had the star led them to her so that they could save her life? Either way, the kit needed care. Silvermoon, the CloudClan medicine cat, tended to the kit. Since the kit was nameless, both leaders agreed to name her Goldkit, not only because of her pure golden fur, but also in honor of the blazing ancestor that had led them to the she-kit.

Chapter One

"Goldkit." I heard Rainstar mew warily. "Get down from there." I lashed my tail, and leaped down from the stone I had been standing on. I had been trying to climb the stones where Rainstar stood to announce meetings. "I just wanted to know what it would like to be leader." I complained under my breath. I dragged my white-toed paws as I padded back to the nursery. It was so unfair!

The whole clan was constantly telling me what to do. There were way too many rules, and I never tried to break them. But sometimes I did things that I didn't know were against the rules, and sometimes I just got confused! But the whole clan yelled at me anyway. It made me so upset and frustrated.

Rainstar's mew brought me out of my thoughts. "You're almost six moons old, I'd say." she told me. "It's about time you were apprenticed." "Really?" I squealed excitedly. "When?" I bounced on my paws and waved my tail. In answer, Rainstar leaped onto the pile of stones. "Let all cats gather for a clan meeting!" she yowled. Each CloudClan cat swarmed beneath her, and I scrambled up next to my leader.

"By naming apprentices, we show that CloudClan will remain strong!" she began. Her clan yowled in approval. "Goldkit has reached the age of six moons, and is ready to become an apprentice. From this moment on, until she earns her warrior name, this apprentice will be known as Goldpaw. The whole clan will be a mentor to her, and guide her paws in the right path."

"Goldpaw! Goldpaw!" the cats of CloudClan yowled. I felt ready to burst with pride. "Goldpaw!" I repeated the name quietly in my head. I was an apprentice at last. Rainstar looked at me with warmth in her eyes. "You can make yourself a nest in the apprentices' den." she purred. I jumped to my paws, ready to rush into my new den with the other apprentices.

I skidded down the rocks, almost toppling into my clanmates. However, I kept my balance, and managed to land on all four paws. Before I could take two pawsteps, I was met with congratulations from my Clanmates. I thanked them all, pride once again surging within me. Then, I saw Rootwhisker, the deputy, making his way towards me.

My belly fluttered with nervousness, replacing the pride. Had I done something wrong? Then, I looked into Rootwhisker's amber eyes and saw only warmth. I relaxed. The brown-and-grey tom bent down until he was level with my ear. "Get settled in." he purred. "I won't take you on patrol today. You can just meet your new denmates."

Excitement filled my head. My new denmates! Today was a great day. Soon, the congratulations and welcomes died away and CloudClan returned to their other activities. I scampered to the apprentices' den and looked around. A single spot remained, and I decided that's where I would make my nest. I darted out of the den, and prepared to go into the forest to gather moss and bracken.

When I was about to leave the camp, Rootwhisker stopped me again. "The moon will be full tomorrow." he explained. "How would you like to go to the gathering?" "Would I!" I exclaimed, jumping up and down. Rootwhisker purred, an amused expression on his face. "I'll add you to the patrol."

As I gathered moss, my thoughts were on the nearly-full moon. I was so excited! But then, a thought came to me. What would LightningClan cats be like? Would they like me? Would they treat me like a stupid kit? I felt so nervous that I almost wanted to tell Rootwhisker that I wouldn't come. "I have to be strong." I murmured to myself. But one thought nagged at me for the rest of the day.

Would LightningClan like me?

Chapter Two

All day I had thought of nothing but the gathering. I had been so distracted during my training that the usually calm warriors looked at me with disdain in their eyes. Why couldn't I get this out of my head? I'm sure that LightningClan won't even look at me, let alone talk to me. I knew it was ridiculous to worry, but I couldn't help myself. Fear and nervousness gripped at my heart.

At last, we came to the two small streams that marked the gathering place of the two clans. One flowed through the heart of CloudClan's territory, the other LightningClan's. This is the place where they crossed, in a clearing surrounded by thick trees and large stones. The largest boulder stood proudly in the center of the clearing. Rainstar leaped up on top of it, waiting for Rosestar and the rest of LightningClan to show.

At last, the other clan raced into the clearing. My heart pounded in my throat. Would they take any notice of me? Unsure of what to do, I pressed closed to Rainpaw, the only apprentice in my clan who I knew well. Rainpaw twitched her ears and stepped out a little closer to the LightningClan cats. I winced, but followed her anyways. After all, she'd been to many gatherings.

Soon, a pretty apprentice with bright green eyes and black speckles on her light brown pet made her way over to where Rainpaw and I were sitting. She looked about Rainpaw's age, a few moons older than me. "Hello!" she mewed cheerfully. I relaxed. From what I'd seen so far, LightningClan was just as friendly as CloudClan.

The LightningClan apprentice waved her tail. "I'm Cheetahpaw!" she mewed to me. "And these are LightningClan's newest apprentices, Dapplepaw and Wildpaw." As she turned around, she saw that the two were gone. With an exasperated sigh, Cheetahpaw turned and padded across the clearing to two small cats, each who looked about a half-moon younger than I.

"Wildpaw, Dapplepaw, come on!" Cheetahpaw rolled her eyes. The two cats reluctantly padded closed to us. "I'm Dapplepaw." the first apprentice mumbled, looking at the ground. The name suited her, her tabby pelt was lightly dusted in tiny darker splotches. "And I'm Wildpaw!" the younger of the two mewed happily, her caution forgotten. Her fur was grey with several black and white markings and bright blue eyes.

Soon, the two leaders began the gathering. They shared reports, but it went by in a blur. I was happy to have made three new friends in LightningClan. When it was time to leave, I ran straight to Rootstar. "Not so bad?" he asked, purring. I was practically jumping on my paws. I told him all about the gathering before we got back to the camp.

"I could sleep for a moon!" I mewed, then crawled into my nest to do just that. However, the moment I closed my eyes I was interrupted by a dream. "Stormstar!" I cried as I saw my ancestor padding toward me. "What are you doing here?" As I looked into the former CloudClan leader's eyes, she meowed, "I have a message for you."

Stormstar told me that I had a missing sister from an older litter- a litter of one, just like mine. She was living life as a rogue with no knowledge of the warrior clans. She explained that I had to find her, and bring her home to the forest. My journey would be hard, she said, but I could make it if I tried hard enough. When I would up, I would find a clue. At dawn, I broke into consciousness. I noticed something lying on the ground next to my nest, and looked closer. It was a potato.

And I knew what I had to do.

Chapter Three
"Yes, Rainstar." I mewed steadily. I had just finished telling her my plans. Since I had the dream, my memories of my sister had come flooding back. Her name was Potato, and she had lived with me when we were kits. She was questioning my decision on going alone. I was only an apprentice. However, she didn't object. "You will go at dawn." she informed me. "Alone, if that is your wish." Joy filled my heart. My first apprentice mission!

Soon, I was out in the forest. I had a vague instinctive direction in my head. If I was right, I would have to cross through LightningClan's territory. The thought filled me with despair, but if I forced my paws in a different direction, I might lose the sense that I was going the right way and be lost in the woods. Lost in the woods? Suddenly my mission seemed frightening rather than exciting. How could I do this?

I let my paws lead me forward. I felt sick as I came to the LightningClan border, but I braced myself and darted forward. I bounded through the long grass, hoping that the bitter scent disguised my own. I was about halfway through the territory when a scent drifted towards me. A LightningClan patrol! What could I do? Where would I hide?

I did the only thing I could think to do- flattened myself to the grass and waited for the patrol to spot me. I saw them first. I recognized Wildpaw from the gathering, and Rosestar, the LightningClan leader, but the other cats I couldn't identify. Great- I was about to be caught trespassing in the heart of LightningClan territory by a whole patrol, including a leader.

I silently cursed my bright golden-orange pelt. I would be spotted for sure. However, all of the cats were intent on a nest of mice that were starting to come out and nibble seeds. But at that moment, I made eye contact with Wildpaw, who's blue eyes widened with shock. I was surprised that she didn't alert the rest of the patrol, but creeped towards me.

"Wildpaw!" I hissed when she was within hearing. "Please don't tell the rest of LightningClan that-" I was silenced as a cat meowed "Wildpaw, come back here! What are you doing?" Wildpaw looked at me with worry in her eyes- she clearly didn't want to lie to her clanmates, but she didn't want to betray me. Finally, she made up her mind. "It's okay, Brokenshadow." she mewed to the cat. "I thought I scented a rabbit." The cat, Brokenshadow, nodded and returned to her prey.

Wildpaw turned to me. "Why are you on my territory?" she asked. I could tell she was trying to sound fierce, but just sounded uncomfortable. I let out a purr, to show that I was not a threat. "Wildpaw, don't worry, I'm alone. I'm on a mission! Please don't tell your Clan that I was here- I'm not going to hurt your clan, I promise." Wildpaw nodded, and returned to her clan.

Relief flowed through me as the patrol moved on. I rushed out of LightningClan's territory and made my descent through the unknown forest. I couldn't wait to find my sister! I hoped she'd join CloudClan with me. I knew we'd have so much fun together. I had to get moving to meet her by moonhigh!

Chapter Four

A strong wind had picked up, starting to ruffle my gold-and-white fur. I plowed my way through, my olive green eyes squinted closed. I had to find my sister! Would she remember me? What if she didn't recognize me and fought me? What would happen then? Uneasy thoughts churned in my head, and it became harder to force my paws onward.

Suddenly, I came to a lake. The wind had grown fiercer, and the lake's surface was ruffled by waves. The noise of the water slapping against the rocks was the only thing I could hear, the forest animals had grown oddly silent. I shrugged and continued on. The birds were probably just hiding from the wind in their nests. I'd hoped I'd still be able to catch something for myself.

Through the clouds, I couldn't see the sun, but it appeared to be setting a bit earlier than usual, the sky was turning a slight yellow color. I hoped it would stay light long enough for me to find Potato, but the clouds already made it hard to see. I knew I should be finding a place to settle in for the night, but I wanted so badly to continue. I'd travel as long as I could see my paws.

I looked at the sky, and was surprised at what I saw. The yellowish clouds appeared to be spinning slowly around. A light drizzle had started, and the silence seemed ominous somehow. I shook my head as if to clear it, and looked back at the ground. I really needed to get some sleep. I was in CloudClan, so why should I be scared for a few clouds?

Suddenly, across the lake, I saw an enormous figure approaching me. It was a huge cone-shaped thing, reaching down from above. It was like a huge paw descending from the clouds, spinning at alarming speeds and getting closer to me by the heartbeat. What was it?

At that moment, clouds and wind seemed like something deadly, something that could uproot trees without a halt. I knew I had to get away. But where could I run? I turned and fled into the forest, although I knew that against the thing the trees would be powerless to shelter me.

Raindrops flew at me, pricking my fur hard enough to hurt. Not knowing were to go, I hid underneath a tall sycamore tree. and covered against the trunk. I knew running further would be pointless, the spinning winds were already upon me. Fear filled my heart, and I could hardly breathe. I closed my eyes and waited for it to be over. I just hoped that it would be soon.

I heard a loud sucking noise, and my eyes flew open. The tree's roots were being pulled from the ground! I had to move, but I knew that if I dug my claws from the ground, the winds would fling me into the air. I tried to fight the wind and inch away from the falling tree, but it was almost on top of me. I leaped away from the trunk before it could even graze my fur, but a thick branch pinned me to the ground.

At once, it felt as though the spinning thing, whatever it was, was unleashing everything on me. Wind whipped my face and raindrops stung my eyes. I couldn't break free. My legs didn't appear to be broken, but I was definitely trapped. I couldn't do anything but endure the force of the storm, a force I couldn't overcome. I was utterly hopeless.

I felt black spots crowding in on the edge of my vision. Colorful streaks flew in front of my face, so vivid I might have tried to reach out and touch them with my paw if it hadn't been pinned to the ground. Eventually they took over, and that was all I could see. I squinted my eyes shut tight, but that just made them brighter. I felt myself drifting into unconsciousness.

Last edited by Goldstar on Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:16 pm; edited 12 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│   │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│ EmptySat Sep 29, 2012 11:44 pm

I love it Goldeh
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PostSubject: Re: │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│   │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│ EmptySun Sep 30, 2012 11:15 am

Aw, thanks, Shimmerpaw! I hope to add the first chapter today.
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PostSubject: Re: │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│   │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│ EmptySun Sep 30, 2012 12:29 pm

great story Goldstar!
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PostSubject: Re: │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│   │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│ EmptyTue Oct 02, 2012 12:08 pm

Awesome!! Can't wait to see more! :D
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PostSubject: Re: │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│   │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│ EmptyTue Oct 02, 2012 6:33 pm

Thanks! ^^
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PostSubject: Re: │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│   │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│ EmptyThu Oct 11, 2012 4:47 pm

New chapter added! ^^
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PostSubject: Re: │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│   │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│ EmptyThu Oct 11, 2012 7:42 pm

Love the new chapter! Could you VM me when new chapters are up?

I miss Potatofrost...:'( XD
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PostSubject: Re: │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│   │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│ EmptyThu Oct 11, 2012 8:09 pm

Hehe. Awesome! It looks amazing so far! VM list (For WI, possibly?)
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PostSubject: Re: │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│   │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│ EmptyThu Oct 11, 2012 8:22 pm

/I laughed my head off when you found the potato xD

Ooh, sounds cool!! ^_^ I can't wait for more!! ^u^
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PostSubject: Re: │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│   │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│ EmptyThu Oct 11, 2012 9:25 pm

Hmm, maybe I should add a vm list. Would it be more useful to be VMed on here or on WI?
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PostSubject: Re: │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│   │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│ EmptyThu Oct 11, 2012 9:29 pm

I laughed so hard when you found the potato!
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PostSubject: Re: │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│   │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│ EmptyThu Oct 11, 2012 9:34 pm

Butbutbut potatoes are cool, like frost D:
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PostSubject: Re: │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│   │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│ EmptyFri Oct 12, 2012 8:42 pm

I love this!! :D :D
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PostSubject: Re: │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│   │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│ EmptyFri Oct 12, 2012 9:42 pm

Aw, thanks! <3
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PostSubject: Re: │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│   │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│ EmptyMon Oct 22, 2012 6:32 pm

WI VM list please. ^_^
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PostSubject: Re: │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│   │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│ EmptySat Oct 27, 2012 3:28 pm

New chapter added! ^^
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PostSubject: Re: │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│   │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│ EmptySat Oct 27, 2012 3:39 pm

Amazing new chapter! Smile
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PostSubject: Re: │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│   │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│ EmptySat Oct 27, 2012 4:34 pm

Thanks, Silvy! I know it's a little short, lol.
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PostSubject: Re: │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│   │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│ EmptySat Oct 27, 2012 6:17 pm

I read the second and third chapter.. Amazing! I couldn't help but to laugh at the part Goldpaw found the potato.. idk why.
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PostSubject: Re: │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│   │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│ EmptySun Oct 28, 2012 9:56 pm

Awesome! Can't wait for the next chapter!
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PostSubject: Re: │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│   │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│ EmptyMon Oct 29, 2012 5:47 pm

Thanks! ^^
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PostSubject: Re: │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│   │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│ EmptyTue Oct 30, 2012 6:30 pm

And suddenly....a potato.

Love it <3
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PostSubject: Re: │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│   │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│ EmptyTue Oct 30, 2012 6:39 pm

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PostSubject: Re: │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│   │The Golden Star│A fursona story by Goldstar│ EmptyWed Nov 14, 2012 11:59 pm

This is great!! : D
I love it!!!! Be sure to write more chapters. Wink I loved the part where Cheetahpaw told off Dapplepaw, her future Leader... xD That's awesome. xD

(Btw, Stormstar was of LC)
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