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 Know Your Characters: Hetalia List

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Zelda Hyrule
Zelda Hyrule

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PostSubject: Know Your Characters: Hetalia List   Know Your Characters: Hetalia List EmptyMon Apr 01, 2013 1:32 am

Since some of you requested a list of Hetalia characters, I have no choice other than to oblige to what you all want.~
So, here we go! They'll be organized by family.~
NOTE: All these characters have human names alongside their country names and ages in human years. If there's a country you want to see that isn't on the list, just let me know and I'll add them.

North Italy (A.K.A. Feliciano Vargas, Age 20):

Know Your Characters: Hetalia List Tumblr_inline_mi0wi1FL8n1qz4rgp_zps3e121ba5

He's kind of clueless and pretty derpy, but he's so sweet and adorable that you can't help but love him with everything that he does. Plus he's Italian, so that covers every base he has. Italy adores pasta, to the point of sometimes shouting out "PAAAAAAAAAAASTAAAAA!~" at random times. Italy is the main character of Hetalia, though not every episode revolves around him, so really he's just the adorable and dopey mascot. He's not a bad singer or dancer, either. He's a part of the Axis Powers.

South Italy (A.K.A. Lovino Vargas, Age 21):

Know Your Characters: Hetalia List Romano_card

This is North Italy's older brother. To not get the two mixed up, he goes by Romano. He and Italy don't always get along, though Romano is actually really protective over his younger brother. Romano hates Germany for taking most of his brother's attention away from him, and he frequently swears in Germany's prescence. Romano loves tomatoes and considers Spain to be his fatherly figure, though he will never say that out loud. He's a bit of a tsundere (meaning he acts mean and cold, though its because he cares) character, and though he tends to yell and be a bit harsh with his words, it means he cares. After all, Romano wouldn't waste his time on something he didn't care about. Romano would lay his life down to protect his little brother, Italy.

Germany (A.K.A. Ludwig Belschmidt, Age 23):

Know Your Characters: Hetalia List Tumblr_inline_mgkqm6RKDp1rcykh5_zps02ac107d

Germany is a very war influenced country, though he does have his soft side. He does his best in trying to train Italy, though he's been successful in keeping Japan in good shape. He is very rule oriented and tends to slip in German vocabulary into his sentences, such as "Nein" (No), "Mein" (My), "Gott" (God), etc. He loves to drink beer, but doesn't ever get drunk from it since the stereotype of the German people is that they live off beer. Germany is also pretty loud and shouts most of the time. He is a part of the Axis Powers.

Prussia (A.K.A. Gilbert Belschmidt, Age 28):

Know Your Characters: Hetalia List Prussia_Gilbird

Prussia is Germany's older brother. He is a bit of a pain sometimes, though deep down, he's quite loving and protective towards his younger brother. He often gets worried over Germany, though his cure-all for any ailment is beer. He is obsessed with being awesome, and even refers to himself as "The Great and Awesome Prussia". Prussia loves to annoy his cousin Austria, and it's implied that he has a crush on Hungary. Since Prussia isn't technically a country anymore, (he's considered a territory) he lives at Germany's house, though tends to stay over at Austria's house too. He has a pet bird that he keeps with him everywhere he goes, and named it 'Gilbird'. Prussia also used to be a pirate.

Japan (A.K.A. Kiku Honda, Age 23):

Know Your Characters: Hetalia List Tumblr_mjimawocVT1rwb0mro3_250_zps228cbb76

Japan is a very easy going and quiet country, in general. He is quick to uphold ancient traditions, and he is good at "sensing the mood and refraining from speaking". Due to the stereotype that Japanese people say their L's as R's, that's what he does (For example, he would say "That would be lovely" as "That wourd be rovery"). He loves salted food, yet he hates physical contact, especially hugging, since that's considered rude to do in public in his country. He is a part of the Axis Powers.

China (A.K.A. Wang Yao, Age 4,000):

Know Your Characters: Hetalia List Tumblr_mir5vtpCqW1rjqssco1_500_zpsf8604332

China is Japan's older brother... well, adoptive brother. China found Japan when he was first formed as an island nation and took him under his wing, per say. Yes, China is male, and if you say otherwise, he'll whack you upside the head with his cooking wok. He is generally quiet, though has a short fuse and isn't afraid to flaunt his seniority to the other countries. Despite being technically 4,000 years old and being the oldest country in existence, China is very young looking and extremely able bodied and capable of intense combat. He's healthy as a horse, too, and loves to babysit and/or raise the younger countries. Most of the Asian countries call him brother (except for Japan, he isn't openly affectionate towards China) and he wears that title proudly. China also has a scar on his back from where Japan stabbed him in the back, starting a massive war, but that conflict is dead and gone. China is a part of the Allies.

America (A.K.A. Alfred F. Jones, Age 19):

Know Your Characters: Hetalia List Tumblr_mjio73A7iJ1rwb0mro2_250_zps3f19694b

This is the United States of America. He's often referred to as America, USA, or just US. He's a friendly, carefree, and very open-minded countrry. He's also a bit loud and has a bit of an obnoxious laugh and a high preference to fast food. America tends to be conscious of his weight, though that isn't an issue since he never gets fat since he "works out like a freaking champion". America is loyal and somewhat blunt, though if he says he cares about you or is worried for you... he means that wholeheartedly. America loves to tease his older brother, England, though he does it because he cares. Despite the Revolutionary War that gave him his independence, he and Britain are still on brotherly terms... though more arguing is involved now. America is part of the Allies.

England (A.K.A Arthur Kirkland, Age 24):

Know Your Characters: Hetalia List IggyLovee

His technical name is The United Kingdom of Britain, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland... though nobody calls him that and is usually referred to as Britain, England, UK, or Iggy (since his Japanese name is Igirisu). England is a gentlemanly country with a short fuse and an unusual fascination with magic and mythical creatures, such as unicorns, fairies, and leprechauns. He found America when he was just a baby (colony), and adopted him as his younger brother. Of course, when the Revolutionary War happened, England wasn't as open to America as he was before since it hurt him emotionally to have gone to war with his brother, but that conflict eventually melted away, and the two are on good terms once again. Back in the era of exploration, England was a pirate and a spy, and he still has his pirate sword and/or pistol with him whenever he needs it. England is a part of the Allies.

Canada (A.K.A. Matthew Williams, Age 19):

Know Your Characters: Hetalia List Vancouver_canada

The quiet country that most tend to forget is there, Canada is very sweet and often opinionated... though not many seem to hear him or remember him. He's often mistaken for America due to their similar appearance, which can be a bit troubling for those that don't like America. Canada has a pet polar bear named Kumajiro, who also forgets who Canada is, but frankly, Canada doesn't really remember Kumajiro's name either. Though most countries either don't see him or don't remember who he is, three countries always remember Canada: America, England, and France, since they're all like one big awkward family. Canada drowns everything he eats in maple syrup, and can speak English, French, and a little bit of Norse due to his ancestry. He was raised by both England and France, though more so France, which is why he speaks French. Canada is a part of the Allies.

France (A.K.A. Francis Bonnefoy, Age 29):

Know Your Characters: Hetalia List Tumblr_inline_mjcuhx5S6E1qz4rgp_zps78b87764

If there was any way to describe France, it would be "fashionable". But it would also be "creepy", since he shows affection to any human being, though he would never force love upon someone. He is England's distant older brother, though he and England do not get along at all due to disputes while the two were younger nations. France helped raise Canada, and he aided America during the Revolutionary War, which has driven he and England even further apart. France loves to drink wine and eat cheese, and he's a fantastic cook with the need to feed people. Despite his usually nice attitude, he's got the reputation for being a weakling and surrendering to everybody he goes to war with... but he's done that about 95% of the time. He also wears a lot of ascots. France is a part of the Allies.

Russia (A.K.A. Ivan Braginsky, Age 25):

Know Your Characters: Hetalia List Russiafull782849

He seems innocent and sweet, though that's not always the case with Russia. He has a long history of unecessary bloodshed and corruption of the government, so he's a bit of a timebomb personality (meaning he can be nice one minute and ready to snap some necks the next). Russia loves sunflowers, though he only gets to see them when he visits his friend China since it's always snowy where he lives. Russia is always trying to make new friends, though every single other country in Hetalia is afraid of him... and rightfully so. The only countries that aren't afraid of Russia are his sisters Ukraine and Belarus, though Ukraine is a bit dopey and Belarus is much scarier than Russia. Russia is a part of the Allies.

Spain (A.K.A. Antonio Fernandez Carriedo, Age 27):

Know Your Characters: Hetalia List Spain_by_himaruya01

The tomato-loving fatherly figure to Romano. Spain is a happy-go-lucky country that loves to play his guitar and have a good time, often making it his mission everyday to make someone smile. His favorite thing to do is to take a siesta with someone he cares about underneath a shady tree after strumming on his Spanish guitar. Spain is a hardworker and has done a good job at raising Romano and looking after Italy when he needed to. Spain has fought in many wars over the years, and most of them were to protect Romano from other countries that wanted to make him their "territory" or wipe him out completely, so he is also a hardy and experienced opponent in combat. Spain is a great dancer and singer as well, and he's done a bit of modeling in his spare time. Though he's a generally laid-back country, if someone messes with Romano, Spain goes into "Papa Bear" mode. He also used to be a pirate.

Hungary (A.K.A. Elizaveta Héderváry, Age 28):

Know Your Characters: Hetalia List Hungary

Fiesty and motherly, Hungary is one of the few countries that are female. She is a tough country and has aided Austria and Prussia in multiple battles against many different foes, though mainly the Ottoman Empire and Turkey. She has always been close friends with both Prussia and Austria, though more so Austria, even to the point of falling in love with him. Hungary and Austria got married eventually, though due to wars from other countries and other atrocious war-like issues, they had to divorce. Despite divorcing for war reasons, she and Austria still love each other very much. Hungary lives in Austria's house and she also played a motherly role in young Italy's life, and she still acts like his mother towards him. She and Austria raised Italy from a young republic to the country he is now, and Hungary is very proud of that fact. Hungary wears an Iron Cross, which a Germanic symbol, possibly because she is of Germanic descent or that Austria is.

Austria (A.K.A. Roderich Edelstein, age 29):

Know Your Characters: Hetalia List Austrialindoo

Austria has been and always will be an aristocratic country. Ever since he was young, he has always had quite a bit of wealth under his belt. However, Austria spent a large portion of his late childhood in the middle of wars and conflicts, and it was right around the prime of his war years that he took in Italy as his territory, raising him with his lover Hungary and being parental figures to him. Austria loves music and can play any kind of instrument, though he prefers the piano and the violin over everything else. He is immensely proud that multiple famous composers and musicians came from his homeland, though sometimes it can go to his head. Austria is a but uptight and likes to be tidy, though he likes to unwind with a cup of hot tea. He's actually a good cook, though he normally doesn't and lets Hungary handle that since she insists. Austria likes to send Hungary anonymous Valentine's Day bouqets, though she always knows they're from him. Austria is often described by other countries -- especially France, since he's observant like that -- as attractive.

Greece (A.K.A. Hercules Karpusi, Age 27):

Know Your Characters: Hetalia List Gogogogo

Greece has a long and interesting history of achievements, including enriching philosophy, beautiful art, complex math, and creating the concept of theater. He's quite an accomplished country, and to top it all off, he loves cats. Like, to the point of obsession, but that's never hurt anybody before. Greece also loves to take naps, and he tends to speak rather slowly. He absolutely hates Turkey and has had multiple disputes with him over everything under the sun. When he's not napping, Greece likes to spend time with his cats and ponder philosophies, though if asked about them, he tends to ramble on about his findings. He loves to visit his landmarks and reminesce about times gone by, and then he tends to ramble on about that.

Last edited by Zelda Hyrule on Mon Apr 01, 2013 11:09 am; edited 1 time in total
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Know Your Characters: Hetalia List Empty
PostSubject: Re: Know Your Characters: Hetalia List   Know Your Characters: Hetalia List EmptyMon Apr 01, 2013 9:57 am

Ohmigawd that gif you used for France <33

However you seem to have left out our cat loving friend, Greece. Shame on you for leaving the cat obsessed Hetalia character out of a cat loving website's description.
Know Your Characters: Hetalia List Vigx3p
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Zelda Hyrule
Zelda Hyrule

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PostSubject: Re: Know Your Characters: Hetalia List   Know Your Characters: Hetalia List EmptyMon Apr 01, 2013 11:10 am

But, I fixed it.~
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PostSubject: Re: Know Your Characters: Hetalia List   Know Your Characters: Hetalia List EmptyMon Apr 01, 2013 11:29 am

Awww yeah

Know Your Characters: Hetalia List 5o9yft
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