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 Body Weight, height, and other imperfections

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PostSubject: Body Weight, height, and other imperfections   Body Weight, height, and other imperfections EmptyFri Mar 29, 2013 1:55 am

We've talked about this on the chatbox multiple times, I thought it was time for a thread.
We all know nobody's perfect, we all have something that bugs ourselves. I for one... well I'm 130 pounds and only 5'2 D: Also, I have next to no eyelashes for some reason.
What's your imperfections? Things that bug you?
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PostSubject: Re: Body Weight, height, and other imperfections   Body Weight, height, and other imperfections EmptyFri Mar 29, 2013 10:09 am

I was going to post. . . but I need to stop caring.
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PostSubject: Re: Body Weight, height, and other imperfections   Body Weight, height, and other imperfections EmptyFri Mar 29, 2013 12:01 pm

Well...I have really big feet. xP Like I'm size 8 or 9. Rolling Eyes
Also, I hate the skin on my face. It's always really oily or really dry. I just can't win with it. xP
I also don't like my hair. It's really annoying and frizzy and urgh. xP
Also, I try not to worry about it, but sometimes my weight bothers me. xP Like at co-op they'll be all these super skinny girls all "OMG, I'm soooo overweight! I'm like 110!" And I'm just sitting there because I'm like 123 so....Rolling Eyes
The mini rant shall now end. xD
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PostSubject: Re: Body Weight, height, and other imperfections   Body Weight, height, and other imperfections EmptyFri Mar 29, 2013 1:37 pm

Well lets see.. I'm 50 something pounds, I have feet the size of a mouse (I wear a size 3. : P )
anddddd my mouth is so small that my adult teeth don't have any room to come in, so my mouth looks weird. .___.
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PostSubject: Re: Body Weight, height, and other imperfections   Body Weight, height, and other imperfections EmptyFri Mar 29, 2013 5:26 pm

Well, I'm like REALLY tall for my age, 5"8' and it annoys me. I weigh around 130 to 135 pounds, and my hair is always limp and oily. I wear size 9 shoes, so my feet are big. And yeah, that's about it.
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PostSubject: Re: Body Weight, height, and other imperfections   Body Weight, height, and other imperfections EmptyFri Mar 29, 2013 6:13 pm

Where do I start.....:c

As a girl things didn't matter, I just enjoyed myself. I guess I enjoyed myself too much and by the time I was 10, I started to see myself....differently. At one point I didn't leave my house over the weekends because I didn't want people to see me due to my weight. As time went on I began to see myself develop an eating disorder. I began to stop eating and slowly it came to me throwing away my lunch at school with it hardly nibbled. Or I would give it to my friends. I would also not get to eat breakfast, and my servings at dinner got noticeably low. I started to get sick and my grades dropped. This lasted for a few months, and finally I came on here and talked about it. I realized it was only hurting me, and yes I lost a few pounds, but was it worth it? Recently, I have started volleyball and I am actually on the Tennis team working out for two hours a day. We run about 2 and half miles a day and we do continues running and all kinds of healthy things. Instead of starting myself, I eat as healthy as I can and I can see more difference with my new way of loosing the pounds. Plus it is just more fun! I have seen the truth about my body as well. I am big-boned and I am getting quite muscular in my legs. My weight is about average and I am on my way to a healthier me!

Something I still worry about is my arms, and my face. By this, I mean the hair on them. Last year, I had a jacket on all day in 102 degree weather just to cover my arms. Sad right? I have never been more self conscious than my arms or facial hair. My hair dresser helped me find an electric razor so I can help minimize the hair on my arms. Also, every 5-6 weeks I get my lips and eye brows waxed. I have not told anyone except my parents and now you about this. It still embarrasses me, but it helps my self esteem so much. It's honestly worth it in my case.

My nose...I HATE my nose. It's way huge and to make it look smaller I put make up on the sides to make it appear thinner to the eye, a trick I thought of myself not to long ago.

My finer nails are so tinny and a little stubble, I try to grow them out, but I always end up chewing them off. :C

My laugh....I try not to laugh ever. And it's hard, trust me. It's high pitched and annoying. I have tried to change it but I can't exactly XP. This goes for my voice as well sort of kinda.

I could list....maybe one hundred more, but my point is I am very insecure. Yet, I know this is my body. This is who I am. Nothing can change it. No amount of makeup. I am me, and I'm proud. My imperfections make me unique.

And something I utterly hate is when girls who are 5'5 and are 90 pounds say they are "SO FAT OMGGGGGGG". I know they might feel insecure too but if they say that, they make me feel even larger when I am not.

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PostSubject: Re: Body Weight, height, and other imperfections   Body Weight, height, and other imperfections EmptyFri Mar 29, 2013 8:28 pm


For one, I am really tall for my age. I'm 5'7", and am taller than a lot of people in my school, even a lot of guys. And, my posture is horrible.
My face is always so oily and dry, and I look horrible most days; I would use power and foundation and stuff, but I don't believe in that stuff. I am "unattractive" and "not pretty" but no matter what I am called, I will NOT hide anything with that stuff!
I have really big feet. I'm, like, 9 1/2, sometimes bigger, sometimes smaller.
My arms are like twigs, with no muscle at all, making me a huge weakling.
I have to wear glasses because my eyesight is terrible, and glasses do NOT look good on me at all.
My hair is either greasy or frizzy. I never win with my hair.
My laugh? I laugh too much, and it is very annoying. Better than my singing voice, however...

If I could sit here and think about every little thing that I hate about myself, I would be here all night, and the list would be huge.
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PostSubject: Re: Body Weight, height, and other imperfections   Body Weight, height, and other imperfections EmptySun Mar 31, 2013 12:22 am

Silverrose wrote:

And something I utterly hate is when girls who are 5'5 and are 90 pounds say they are "SO FAT OMGGGGGGG". I know they might feel insecure too but if they say that, they make me feel even larger when I am not.
Or like, when stick skinny girls call themselves fat. I'm 5'2 and I'm 130 pounds. I've been on diets and stuff but I... *weeps*

I can relate so much to your story, Silvy. When I was younger, I didn't give a care in the world about what people thought of me. I wore whatever my parents made me wear, I didn't brush my hair (only my bangs, so I was like emo with an afro or something xD), and I was a happy child. Everyone accepted me and they actually thought I was cool.

Then, the new school came around. I was 10 at that time and I realized I would probably freak everyone out at my old school. So I cared to my hair, actually washing it like 5 times over and over with shampoo each day and adding loads of conditioner... trading in my afro emo hair thing for nice sidebangs and normal hair, and applying oils to my dried up, messed up face. I began to choose whatever I wanted to wear, rather than my parents choosing. Then, it was school day. I was a loner, for half the year. It was a tough time, and I didn't understand why everyone didn't seem to like me.

And then it hit me. My weight... everyone at my new school was a skinny stick and then there was me, the fat girl. I know I'm fat because doctors tell me, wii fit tells me, my scale tells me, my parents tell me, everyone tells me...

I tried to go on a diet, and it was going well. I lost 1 pound a week, and I managed to drop down to 100 pounds (I was 120 at that time, so big achievement!) and then... well you all know I went on a vacation. xD I had to access to a scale, and I was having such a great time that I didn't care about my weight. I come home to the scale... 120 pounds. At that time, I JUST hit 5'. All my hard work was wasted, and food is just... it's like a cute puppy begging to be played with. You can try to ignore the puppy's whines but you'll end up playing with it anyways. xD

I was on a diet since the school year started, but sometimes I forget. the 120 increased to 130. I go to the gym everyday, work out for 1.5-2 hours, and eat very healthy food and yet I still gain weight. It's really drives down my self esteem, and then there's the other imperfections.

So I thought it was a great idea to look myself in the mirror last year and point out everything people might not like. I found these other ones, excluding weight:
1) The fact that I have next to no eyelashes (As a young kid, they've always grown inwards instead of outwards so my eye doctors would always pluck them out, I would pluck them out so they wouldn't stab my eyes.)
2) How my hair never grows, like literally. Once it reaches shoulder length, it stops growing. Cut my hair again? It grows really fast but once it reaches shoulder length it just stops. BAM. And the popular girls at my school tell everyone my type of hair is short, even though it isn't. My hair is average/medium, but now everyone thinks I have short hair.
3) Pimples. Acne. Everywhere. Self explanatory, you all know the pain.
4) I have "lizard lips". If you've read dear dumb diary, you'll know what I mean.
5) My face is forever dry and unsoft/smooth
6) Dandruff. I have a lot less than before but I still have some and it bugs me.
7) Bad breath. Or at least, I think so. So many people in the past have told me I have bad breath so I keep away from people's faces everytime I talk to them. They're still confused as to why. xD
Cool How dark my skin is. Why skin used to be snow white, now it's too tan, it looks like I rolled in a bag of cheetos or something. (It isn't my fault I'm obsessed with the beach. I mean, look at the water and the sand!)
9) How I bleed to easily. Especially nose bleeds.
10) My nose used to be beautiful, and now for some reason it's gotten too big. o.O
11) How my hair is frizzy sometimes.
12) My birthmark that actually pops out so it looks like a black gigantic pimple on my leg. Everyone thinks it's dead skin popping up or something. .n.
13) How long this list is.
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PostSubject: Re: Body Weight, height, and other imperfections   Body Weight, height, and other imperfections EmptySun Mar 31, 2013 1:18 am

Silverrose wrote:
And something I utterly hate is when girls who are 5'5 and are 90 pounds say they are "SO FAT OMGGGGGGG". I know they might feel insecure too but if they say that, they make me feel even larger when I am not.
According to them, I must be a big marshmallow, then. xDD 5'5½" and weighing about 111 pounds... Actually, this is the lightest I've been in a while; I've been randomly losing weight for some reason for the past little while. I WAS around 123 pounds, 125 at the highest. And I wish I would have stayed that way. xDDDD

I might as well join into the conversation here. x33
... I'm actually the kind of person who doesn't care much about her weight at all. xDD I'm not stick-skinny? Meh... I'm healthy. Mom says I've always had a good amount of meat on my bones, and I think of that as a good thing~ It makes me feel cozy inside or something~ I'm not overweight or anything... [Although, early last year, according to mom, I was getting a very slight potbelly... But it was just a tiny little belly; nothing major. And it went away over time. >w<;] ... I DO have quite an appetite sometimes, though [like today; I scarfed down a burger we got from A&W and wished I would have asked for 2 instead because I was still sort of hungry], and I have horrible self-control with food... Also, I tend to really like a lot of not-so-diet-friendly foods... That could cause problems in the future. n.n;
As for my height... I feel short sometimes, but I'm actually an inch-and-a-half taller than average, so I guess I shouldn't feel short. I still do sometimes, though. n.n;
I have really horrible teeth... They're extremely crooked, and I feel like I have monster teeth or something. I have braces, now, though... But even once my teeth are straight, I'll have a little gap between my front bottom and top teeth because my jaw grows downwards. .__.
As for my face... I'm a picker, so acne has resulted in some scars. .__. They appear to be be fading, but still...
... Oh yeah, and I have this long scar on my right forearm... It was caused by a simple [but long] scratch. It's faded now, but I can still notice it... I tend to scar easily, I think... I hate it. -__-
ANOTHER THING. I can never seem to keep long nails for long because I pick at them. -__- I can't control myself sometimes... Like I'll be doing so well, then I'll just suddenly start picking again. It's way worse than biting them, in my opinion...
And I have this weird insecurity about my eyebrows... I always have to have my bangs covering my right eyebrow or else I'll feel like some kind of greasy obnoxious person. xDDD
And more about my hair... When I tie it back, some of it likes to escape the ponytail. It sticks out from under my favorite cap and I think it makes me look like a psycho. .__.

... And I think that's it. xD
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PostSubject: Re: Body Weight, height, and other imperfections   Body Weight, height, and other imperfections EmptySun Mar 31, 2013 9:23 am

Where do I start.... well, I'll try to list them, I guess.

1.) I'm like, 5'3" and around 90 pounds. ._.
2.) When random people at my school come up to me, put their hand around my wrist and yell "OMG DO YOU EVEN EAT I CAN FIT MY ENTIRE HAND AROUND YOUR WRIST", yeah, i have small wrists. Who cares? .___.
3.) My arms and my legs are extremely long.
4.) I'm super pale. Im like, PURE white, and it annoys me so much. .__.
5.) An old friend of mine (i hate her now -_-) ALWAYS says "I'M SO FAT HEHEHHEHEEHEHEHEHE" being fat a good thing now...? ._. (she's like 4'10" or something and like 96 pounds...) [this is ust kind of a pet peeve]
6.) I have a huge fear of loosing friends (mostly from personal experience).

Umm... I'll probably think of more later.
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