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 The Miserable Journey of a Miraculous Cat (Name will change)

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PostSubject: The Miserable Journey of a Miraculous Cat (Name will change)   The Miserable Journey of a Miraculous Cat (Name will change) EmptyMon Dec 03, 2012 9:39 pm


Chapter 1:

I was a happy cat. A loving home with a warm house. I was spoiled with love. Every night I would crawl up next to the youngest member of the family. A young girl named Erica. Erica was the nicest of the family. Erica was a troubled girl. She had made a few mistakes along the way, had secrets she kept from even the people closest to her. Except me. She was not popular, but longed to be. To fit in. She was a all A student, and was one of the most behaved. But it was almost like she changed entirely when she got home. Her and her parents would fight every once and while. Scream, cry, slam doors, throw things. And I could only sit there and watch. I was only a cat. Yet I was Erica's best friend. She would be completely angry, or sad. But when I padded to her, she began to feel better. My presence could make her feel so much better. She loved me. The entire family did. I always thought this was how it would be, Everyday was the same, you would never think it would change. But I was wrong. Oh I so very wrong.

It was 5 days until Christmas. Erica's favorite day was Christmas. I think she loved it because no one ever fought on Christmas. It was peaceful. Happy. The fire would heat the living room. The wrapping paper scattered on the tan floor. The paper was always so fun. I would run and jump and attack the papers with my natural cat instincts. The family loved it, and their faces lit up when they saw me do it. They would pull out the camera and take pictures to capture the moment. the blinding light was very annoying, but I could care less. Erica was happy.

Erica was already planning Christmas at the start of summer. Being 10, you can only expect her to be anxious. "Daddy, can we put on the fireplace?" she asked her father. He smiled from seeing the glow on her face, and replied, "Sure thing pumpkin." Even if they fought, they still loved each other. Her dad walked to the door, grabbed his jet black leather jacket and opened the door. A freezing cold wind blew into the house. Erica turned to face me, who was sitting in the floor next to her. The bright tree was shining brightly next to us. "I know how much you love the fireplace. I love it too. Lets lay in the floor and relax next to it." Her father then came back into the house with three logs of wood. He shook the snow off his books, and walked over to the fireplace. He slid the glass back and carefully placed the logs inside. Then he got the fire going. Heat instantly burst around us. It felt so nice. I closed my eyes and instantly sprawled out on the floor. Erica did the same. Our peaceful resting did not last long before Erica's mom walked in. She was reminding Erica of something she did wrong. Erica then suddenly changed into an aggressive child. They began to fight, and it lasted for maybe an hour. This was one of the worst fights they had ever had. Words flew in the air and I just ran and hid under the tree. If I could cry, I would. Her mom sent her to her room. Slowly, after everything calmed down, I walked to her room. She was crying into her pillow, hugging her favorite teddy bear. I jumped onto the bed and walked over to her. I sat down and lay my head on her hand. She cried. for another hour or so. And I never left her side. Time began to pass, and the house grew quiet. The lights got dark. And before I knew it, it was already 10:00. Erica was passed out. I felt bad about leaving her side, but something felt, wrong. I cautiously walked into the living room. And then, that was when I saw something that changed everything. Three men stood in the living room, knifes in hand, dark red blood dripping of the point. They were dashing out an open window, with bags full of my owners possessions. I hissed at the intruders, and as fast as they could they ran out of the house. "Why did the older owners not see them?!" I wondered worriedly. Then it became clear. The knife had blood. Blood. I ran as fast as I could to the parents bedroom. Lying on the bed was two bodies. Not moving, not breathing. A large gashes in the stomach. The sight was horrific. The intruders had killed them. Erica's parents are dead.

Chapter 2:

Eventually Erica woke. I hadn't tried to wake her. I didn't want her state of peace to end. But the time had come. Erica sat up, the sun shining on her face through her sky blue curtains. She put her hands into the air and stretched. "Mom? Dad? I'm so sorry about last night....I was thinking...maybe we could try and forget. I promise to be a good girl from now on." She called though the house. My heart filled with pain and sorrow. I put my face into my paws. "Mom? Dad?" Erica pulled down the covers and ran through the hall. I followed close behind her. She searched the house, and then ventured to her parents room. I did not follow. I can only remember a loud scream. The kind you would hear in horror stories. Then, it broke into a fit of crying. I felt the floor vibrate, and I ran into the room. Erica was lying on the floor. She rubbed her face into the carpet. She tried to breath, but was chocking up. "MOM! DAD! Please, god no, please, I will be a good girl! DON'T LET THEM LEAVE ME! PLEASE GOD, PLEASE!" She cried, for hours. I stayed right with her. And I cried right next to her, in my heart. I nuzzled up to her, but she pushed me away. "I'm sorry Whiskers." she muttered. Don't apologize! I think. Finally, she appears to have stop crying. The tears may have stopped, but I knew her heart was still in pain, maybe worse then before. And like always, I could only watch.

A day passed, and it was now Saturday. Erica never left the bedroom. Not until now at least. She stood up, shakily, and then slowly walked through the hall. Careful, she walked to the hall closet. Inside was my carrier, and my food. She put the food inside, and then opened the cadge. She turned and looked me in the eye. "Come on Whiskers. We are leaving."

Leaving? What? I padded closer to her. Her cheeks rosey red and eyes nearly shut from crying so long. Erica leaned over and picked me up, setting me inside my cage. I didn't object. Normally I would squirm and try to stay out, but not today. Not ever. Erica was holding a small leather sack, and large snow boots. We walked over to the door and walked out into the butter snow. Flurries blew into my cadge, and I felt her shaking form the sudden blast of cold. "This house is full of too many painful me memories. I won't be happy ever again if I stay here."

(More is coming soon. This idea popped in my head for a story, and so I decided to post it. It was not originally going to be for here, but I thought you might enjoy it. I cry while writing it, and it will only get sadder, so please, don't continue reading if you hate sad stories.)

Last edited by Silverrose on Wed Jan 09, 2013 4:42 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Senior Warrior

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PostSubject: Re: The Miserable Journey of a Miraculous Cat (Name will change)   The Miserable Journey of a Miraculous Cat (Name will change) EmptyMon Dec 03, 2012 10:37 pm

Ooooooooooh @_@ I is mesmerized by your awesome writing powas
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Senior Warrior

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PostSubject: Re: The Miserable Journey of a Miraculous Cat (Name will change)   The Miserable Journey of a Miraculous Cat (Name will change) EmptyTue Dec 04, 2012 8:32 pm

Thank you! :3

New chapter every day. Smile
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Senior Warrior

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PostSubject: Re: The Miserable Journey of a Miraculous Cat (Name will change)   The Miserable Journey of a Miraculous Cat (Name will change) EmptyTue Dec 04, 2012 9:00 pm

You are so good at getting stuff up <3
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PostSubject: Re: The Miserable Journey of a Miraculous Cat (Name will change)   The Miserable Journey of a Miraculous Cat (Name will change) EmptyThu Dec 06, 2012 8:08 pm

This is really good Silverrose Wink
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PostSubject: Re: The Miserable Journey of a Miraculous Cat (Name will change)   The Miserable Journey of a Miraculous Cat (Name will change) EmptyThu Dec 06, 2012 9:19 pm

This is one of the best stories i have ever read! Smile
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Zelda Hyrule
Zelda Hyrule

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The Miserable Journey of a Miraculous Cat (Name will change) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Miserable Journey of a Miraculous Cat (Name will change)   The Miserable Journey of a Miraculous Cat (Name will change) EmptyThu Dec 06, 2012 10:45 pm

And now, a rendition of:

Zellie's Feelings When Reading This Wonderful Story:

The Miserable Journey of a Miraculous Cat (Name will change) 1299613079410
"Oh look, a story!"

The Miserable Journey of a Miraculous Cat (Name will change) Whatthefiretruckianplz
"-reads the warning about being 13+-

The Miserable Journey of a Miraculous Cat (Name will change) Kf2hG
The Miserable Journey of a Miraculous Cat (Name will change) Tumblr_mbilrqNB7e1rw8an1
The Miserable Journey of a Miraculous Cat (Name will change) Tumblr_lu84b5diXl1qlroow
"-after reading the whole thing-"
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Senior Warrior

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PostSubject: Re: The Miserable Journey of a Miraculous Cat (Name will change)   The Miserable Journey of a Miraculous Cat (Name will change) EmptyFri Dec 07, 2012 7:45 pm

Thanks you guys!

Omigosh Zellie you crack me up! xD Thank you so much. <3
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